First Impressions on Technology Tools and Course Websites

First Impressions on Technology Tools and Course Websites

I am very excited to that using the tools for this class. Some of them are very new to me but I am ready to learn my way around the different technology. I am sure I will become more familiar with everything as the weeks go on. 
I believe many if not all of these tools will be great use to me in the future and in life after college. Almost every job involves the internet these days and it is very useful to learn what you can make and do using it. 

Blogging has become a great interest to me since last semester. I enjoy writing up all my thoughts in a blog as well as reading other peoples blogs and learning new ways I can improve mine. 
I am not familiar with many of the other tools but I am very excited to dive in to them. 

I hope to learn more about image editing. This along with others such as graphic creation will help me improve my skills for other modules too. 

This whole environment is different compared to other modules because I get to choose the tools I want to learn about and get to understand which tools will help me learn best. 
Not many other modules allow you to make as many choices for yourself as this one does.

I fine the class website very useful. It is easy to use and I know I will still resort to it after college fo information. I like how each week is laid out ready for me and easy to find. 

Technology: Building the Tools of Mankind


  1. Hey Zoe,

    I am delighted to that you are excited to use the technology tools within this module. I too am excited too as I love working with technology. I hope you aren't too overwhelmed with working from home for college :) I'm glad you enjoy this class as I do too. I too love blogging since starting last year. The way each week is laid out is so handy too.


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